Mercedes Brake Fluid:Inspection & Repair Manual To Solve This Issue

Brake fluid is hygroscopic, that is it will absorb water from the atmosphere. When the brakes and fluid heat up, this water will boil out as steam, and steam is compressible.

This one of the causes of a soft brake pedal and reduced brake action when your brakes are hot. This is not the cause of brake fade when your brakes are very very hot, that is rather a layer of metallic vapor being generated by the pad or rotor.If you do not have a system, nothing fancy, $20-$100, you can use the pump and dump method, where one person pumps up the brakes inside the car, and another using a small tube and collection cup/airlock, drains out the fluid from each of the cars caliper, while making sure to add new fluid to the reservoir up top.


While you are working the car, is a good time to check the calipers, and make sure the seals looks good and there is no scoring or pitting on the piston. Check the hoses to make sure they are in good condition and do not have any scuffing or heat damage.

You have probably had this done or heard this term before when dealing with other cars. However to save on the un-sprung weight of the car, that is the weight of the wheel, brakes, hub etc, which has no suspension, because it connects to the suspension, OEM rotors are not manufactured with an extra thickness that can be machined off with a brake lathe.


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